A photograph is usually looked at - seldom looked into.
Disclaimer :
I won't claim that I'm a model. Much less a professional one. Modelling is not my thing. Although I would loveeeeeeee to but sadly I'm not cut out for it. My height is not at my advantage. (Yes, I'm short for my age and guess what? I'm proud of it though I'm insecure about it as well but oh well...) Photography is just one of my passion. Photo shoots are merely for fun and to gain experience. Not for frame or for anything at all. Lets just say, I love to pose and do stupid shitty faces. Definitely not a camera shy person. Don't believe? I shall show you photos of me when I'm still a kid.
Oh yeah, this post would be full of photos.
Childhood photos of your truly.
Photos grabbed from my Facebook album.

Check out my cheeky face, holding that angbao.
Not bad. Knowing money is worth more than bird day cake since young.
Muhahahahah! (ノ^∇^)

I think you all can guess which is me.
Told you I like to do stupid faces right? d=(´▽`)=b

Ohmygod, look at my arms and my legs. So muthafucking thin.
Look at me now, oh my guan yi ma. 八(^□^*)

Mummy and me. Do we look alike? Hehehe (*´・v・)

ROFL! Look at my expression!!! Epic man. Buey tank.
Oh yeah, that's my aunt and my uncle.

FHM Model since young. Smexy baby! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

All my handsum boys and me. Love them to pieces! (´∀`)♡

Flower girl? I don't know what the hell I am doing then.

Do-re-mi-fa and no so. HAHAHA! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

My childhood mate and me. Look at how small size I am since young. Oh god why.

Evidence of me bullying my another childhood mate. Blah ヽ(^。^)丿

1,2,3, Pose! Yay! ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Love love this photo max.
Another evidence of me bullying my baby bro.
Muhahahaha! (´ω`★)

My Dearest and me. Pretty mama. Chin very sharp ley. Me also want! (`・ω・´)”

Me with the boys on my bird day I think
(since I'm the one cutting the cake)

My baby bro and me, on my bird day again.

Do you know, I have dimples too? (^ω^)

I remember I got jealous when Dearest hugged my childhood mate
and not me so I hug her instead. Hahahaha! Jealous kid aye! ( ^∇^)

My favourite princess dress and *ahem* my HUGE kitty at the back.
Insane cute please! (=゚ω゚)ノ

Dearest and me.
Countless of people have been saying we look alike.
Like mother, like daughter aye! (●⌒∇⌒●)

Hey, what up yo? \( `.∀´)/

Mummy and me with my 风飞飞 hat. LOL! *(*´∀`*)☆

HAHAHAHA! Don't ask me why I smile with my eyes close and my teeth out.
I've no idea why.

Stylish ribbon hair me with my bird day cake. Zai bo? (^~^)

Oh look! I've longgggggggggg tongue! :P

Me with one of my favourite dress.
Heart heart love love 有没有!( ^∇^)

One of the "hiao" photo of me with my mummy or my dearest heels.
That must explain why I adore shoes/heels/boots now.
Fetish since young! (◕‿◕✿)
I realize I have alot of childhood/baby photos of myself. Stack and stack of photo albums. From baby to countless of myself on my bird day party to a tomboy-ish me. I see how much I've grown up and all. Like wow, I can't believe how much I change. Have loads of photos of myself and everyone on my bird day party. My family love to take photos on my bird day. Especially mine. I don't know why. Since young. Yes, up to now. They still love to take loads of photos whenever they celebrate my bird day for me. Its kinda a habit I guess. I recall how grand and how pretty my bird day party was since young. Balloons everywhere. Presents laying on the table/floor. The cake is always to my liking. Specially customized and made just for me. Good food, my favourite food. People I adore all around me. Everyone singing bird day song for me. I was doted and loved on since I was born. That's my happy childhood memories.
Yes, I grow up with a bunch of guys. Since I was born. Since all my cousins and brothers are all dudes. I grow up playing like a guy, messing around like a guy, talk like a guy, behaving like one too. Barbie dolls only keep me interested for a while. Then you will see me running to the boys with toy cars and all. Generally, I'm sort of a tom boy. Imagine short hair me behaving like a boy playing with a group of boys? Yes, you get the drill. Somehow, I'm not ashamed of it. Instead, I'm proud of it. I guess it somehow give me the connection towards guys. And all my life, I've been always hanging/chilling with guys. What can I say? I just somehow clicked with guys so much better than girls I suppose? Sometimes, I do think like a dude. Okay, most of the time. My mindset, don't ask me why or how. I don't know. I will just describe myself as not totally boyish nor am I girly girly. Let just say, I'm somehow in the middle. I can go for a whole day of shopping, dolling up, doing my nails, my hair, gossip, bitching and hanging with the girls to a whole day of sports, watching soccer matches, games, drinking, chilling with the boys or whatever guys usually does. You name it. I can do it.
25th March 2012.
Weather : Sunny. Super sunny, super hot. Was almost toasted alive.
Then its started to pour. Raining cats and dogs. So blah.
Below are all my photoshoots photos. I figure I should just do a blog post about this since I've loads of photos and all. When I first look at em, I almost died. I wanna stab myself. Reason is, I look shitty (my face, my expression) in em. God, seriously. That's my first thinking. Was actually thinking whether should I share my photos with you all or I should not. I decided to share because its the hard work of us and the photographers. This is to credit them and their hard work. Thank you (WeiJie, Esmond and Glen) for everything. I look forward to working with you guys again 。◕‿◕。
Its really not easy to capture pretty photos that capture not only you or objects or anything at all but memories that come along with it. Its tough work actually. I always look at photos of other's and goes "Wow, so pretty. So nice. I wish I was her. I wish I am pretty. I wish this, that, this, that and everything" But the hard work behind close door are the one that kills. Like I said, I gain experiences this way.
I won't go to details as where and how my shoots is conducts. All I can say is its pretty tough, tiring, dirty, sweating. Its pure hard work. I went home like a zombie with mosquitoes bites all over, dirty and smelly (okay, maybe I don't smell but I think I do) Overall, I'm not quite satisfied with my work. Oh no, its nothing to do with the photographer and their skills. I'm just not satisfied with my own expression and generally everything. I don't quite think I did a good job. I can do better but oh well... Kinda disappointed with myself. I've high expectations of myself and I like my work to be perfect in every way. But its okay, I can always do a better job the next time if I have the chance again, that is.
Disclaimer (again) :
All photos are not photoshopped.
What you see is what you get.


I will do a better job, next time.
This is a promise I made for myself.
I'll make sure I fulfil it.
You don't take a photograph, you make it.
Till then, xo
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