Monday, April 30, 2012

I love you too much to let you think I can live without you.

30th April. Its the end of the month again. Yet again. Time flies so fast, so quickly. I barely have the time to breathe. No, I barely have the time to think. Lack of sleep, most likely. Have been in and out of Singapore since last Thursday I think. Though my health have not regain but I insisted to proceed with my plans. Out of the world. Out of space. Somewhere alone. 

Didn't have much time to shop and have fun. Have been rushing here and there. 
So here are just a few photos I snapped.

Sushi King,  (*´・v・) 

Stocking up, in case I need em urgently. 


I need tonic to boost my memory, seriously. Been so god damn forgetful lately.
Couldn't really recall what I did through the whole entire weekend. Wait, let me recall.
All I know is, I didn't sleep much. Headache almost every night. Shitty. Movie and overnight on Friday. Eat, movie, drink with different group on sat. Didn't sleep much again. Oh hell. Oh yeah, I finally get my long length mirror. So yeah. I have fun during this weekend although I am mad tiring. 
Thanks for staying up, being there and taking care of me. 
I love you guys, xo.

Below are some photos I snap with my girls and me, myself with a super shag expression. 
Pardon me.


I crave for frog legs porridge again, oh yeah again. Oh hell.

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